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The difference between men and women using ATM’s

The nuanced distinction in the approach of men and women using a drive-through ATM (Automatic Teller Machine).


1. Approach ATM

2. Insert card

3. Input PIN and select account

4. Collect cash, card, and receipt


1. Approach ATM

2. Adjust makeup in rearview mirror

3. Turn off engine

4. Place keys into purse

5. Exit the vehicle due to distance from the machine

6. Search for card in purse

7. Insert card

8. Look for the wrapper with the written PIN number in purse

9. Enter PIN

10. Examine instructions for at least 2 minutes.

11. Press “cancel”

12. Re-enter the correct PIN

13. Check balance

14. Search for an envelope

15. Look for a pen in the purse

16. Fill out deposit slip

17. Sign checks

18. Make the deposit

19. Review the instructions

20. Withdraw cash

21. Return to vehicle

22. Check makeup again

23. Search for keys

24. Start the car

25. Check makeup once more

26. Begin to pull away

27. STOP

28. Reverse back to the machine

29. Exit the vehicle

30. Retrieve card and receipt

31. Re-enter the car

32. Store card in wallet

33. Place receipt in checkbook

34. Record deposits and withdrawals in the checkbook

35. Create space in purse for wallet and checkbook

36. Check makeup again

37. Shift car into reverse

38. Shift car into drive

39. Depart from the machine

40. Travel 3 miles

41. Release the parking brake



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