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This can’t be true…or can it?

These statistics reflect a specific professional cohort.

You might find it astonishing…but if you ponder on it…perhaps not.

36 individuals have faced allegations of domestic violence.

7 individuals have been taken into custody for fraud.

19 individuals have been accused of issuing fraudulent cheques.

117 individuals have either directly or indirectly caused the bankruptcy of at least 2 businesses.

3 individuals have served time for assault.

71, yes 71, are unable to obtain a credit card due to poor credit.

14 individuals have been arrested on drug-related offenses.

8 individuals have been apprehended for shoplifting.

21 individuals are currently defendants in ongoing lawsuits.

In the past year, 84 individuals have been arrested for driving under the influence.

Can you guess which organization these figures represent? AFL? NRL?

Still unsure?…Scroll down.

Neither, it’s the 535 members of the AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT IN CANBERRA.

This is the same group of individuals that generates hundreds of new laws each year, crafted to regulate the rest of us.


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