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Big Belle’s Chocolate Mousse Recipe

A very easy recipe for chocolate mousse that anyone, even a man, can prepare.No multitasking required, so no complaining.

300g Dark Chocolate (spend a little extra for quality, or it’ll taste terrible)
3 eggs
1/4 cup of caster sugar
1 tbs cocoa powder
300ml cream plus whipped cream for serving (or toss at your guest if they dislike your cooking)

Begin by placing the chocolate in a heat-proof bowl over a simmering pot of water (making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the water). Stir until melted, then remove and allow it to cool slightly.
In a bowl, combine the eggs and sugar, beating them together; then fold in the cooled chocolate and add the cocoa powder. (Simple, right?) Remember to wash your hands… nobody wants any hair or unwanted ingredients in their dessert.
In another bowl, whip the cream until thick and fold it into the chocolate mixture. Divide it into 6 serving glasses and refrigerate. Remove them 15 minutes before serving, and top with a dollop of whipped cream.

For a boozy twist (or if you’re looking to impress), consider adding Brandy, Cognac, or Grand Marnier. Strong black coffee also complements the melting chocolate beautifully.
This recipe is perfect for making it seem like you’re a better cook than you actually are, unless you truly are hopeless, in which case, please refrain from tarnishing my recipes’ reputation.

by Big Belle


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