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Anecdotal thoughts of Jim Aborwhear

Today, I found myself experiencing a rather uncommon emotion…enthusiasm.

During lunch, while enjoying a coffee with a colleague, we began to chat about various topics, eventually winding our way into a conversation about the history of warfare that led us to the ancient world, specifically the Spartans. Anecdotal thoughts of Jim AborwhearI was delighted to remember that the term “laconic” has historical connections and the story behind it.

“The term laconic originates from a region in ancient Greece known as Laconia, with Sparta being its capital. The Spartans were renowned for their martial prowess as well as their concise manner of speaking. Legend has it that Philip II of Macedon requested their surrender with a message that stated: “if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city.” In true laconic fashion, the Spartans replied with a single word: “If.”

This steered the conversation towards the Punic Wars and the Battle of Cannae…and before I realized what was happening, I found myself dismantling wooden stirrers and animatedly reconstructing the battle on the table with a level of excitement and concentration that is, more often than not, absent from my work life.

by Jim Aborwhear


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