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Anecdotal thoughts of Jim Aborwhear

This evening, I viewed a highly intriguing program about the prohibition of marijuana in the USA during the 1930s, a time when hemp was widely cultivated.

The program suggested that advancements in harvesting agricultural hemp and its potential commercial applications posed a threat to significant industrial sectors, specifically the emerging synthetic fiber and plastics industries as well as the timber industry, influencing Harry Jacob Anslinger, the then head of the US Narcotics agency, to “declare war on it” (a strategy that typically proves ineffective).

Furthermore, it noted statements such as, “This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and many others,” although I’ve not verified this quote. It was fascinating to observe the abundance of sensational and alarming horror stories in various newspapers from that era about the effects of marijuana use.

For clarification, I must express that, while enjoying a drag of my Long-beach and a belt of Rum, I personally do not endorse any form of drug use.
by Jim Aborwhear

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