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Rugby Coach headbutts boy for losing match

In New Zealand, a rugby coach assaulted his 11-year-old son by grabbing him around the throat and subsequently headbutting him, attributing the loss of a match to the boy.

The attack was admitted by the man during a court session at the Alexandra District Court on Wednesday.

According to the court proceedings, the man returned home intoxicated last month, verbally assaulted his son, and proceeded to grab him around the throat before headbutting him.

As reported by the Otago Daily Times, the boy’s mother stepped in, ensuring he was not physically harmed, though he was left “extremely frightened” by the ordeal.

“The boy’s team had lost its game, and he blamed his son for the loss,” stated Sergeant Ian Collision.

Judge Stephen O’Driscoll found the man guilty of assault and has released him on bail to return for sentencing on September 23.

He indicated that the pre-sentencing report must include an assessment for drug and alcohol use.

Buford Balony says: Good to see Jake the Muss is still alive and well in NZ.


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