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Our newsreaders have made my life hell

With the Test Matches concluded, I must extend my congratulations to our buffoonish newscasters for portraying us as a group of whiny losers.

As an Australian residing and working in London, I have become accustomed to the lighthearted teasing I receive from bar patrons, particularly following the Ashes.

What I didn’t need, however, was some uninformed newsreader declaring, “There’s nothing worse than a grinning Pom.”

Another ridiculous newscaster I’d like to silence is the one who proclaimed, “Poms are just jealous of our weather, our beaches, our houses with pools, and our daily showers.”

Can you believe the grief I’m enduring because of such nonsense?

One of my customers, a typical Londoner, kindly pointed out, and I quote:

“Yes mate you’ve got all that lovely stuff, but, and this is a big but…YOU AINT GOT THE ASHES…AVE YA”

Come on, Aussies, we faced a more skilled team; accept it and move forward.

by Terence Johns


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