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Don’t you know I’m Danny Green

Boxer Danny Green endured severe abdominal pain, which ultimately led to emergency surgery for the removal of a softball-sized abscess alongside his appendix, though he has contested that his actions at Busselton Hospital on New Year’s Eve justified police involvement.

At 37 years of age, Green dismissed claims of erratic behavior and expressed ignorance regarding the police being summoned. He had sought alternative medical assistance prior to the officers’ arrival.

“I wasn’t ranting and screaming,” he stated from St John of God Hospital in Murdoch, where he underwent surgery on Wednesday. “Given the intense pain I was experiencing and the apparent lack of common sense in the situation, I believed I was quite composed, and I cannot fathom why anyone would feel it necessary to call the police.”

Green, the International Boxing Organisation cruiserweight champion, also countered allegations of leveraging his fame to influence the attending physician into administering morphine.

“I’ve never once uttered the phrase ‘don’t you know who I am,’ nor will I ever,” Green remarked. “I simply sensed that she was assuming I was some street junkie seeking a fix. I informed her, ‘I’m a professional athlete and a three-time world champion. I haven’t come here from the street for a hit.'”

He noted that similar issues had arisen for him ten times in the past, with morphine frequently provided for pain relief before further examinations were conducted.

Green added that the doctor declined to communicate with his physician in Sydney, who was on the phone trying to assist. However, Health Minister Kim Hames supported the doctor’s decision to deny Green’s request for morphine, citing the necessity of a proper diagnosis first.

“You simply do not administer morphine for undiagnosed abdominal pain; it should be the last resort because it can obscure symptoms and potentially lead to missed diagnoses,” Dr. Hames explained.

“The fact is, Danny was only in that hospital for half an hour; he didn’t really give them a fair chance, did he?”

Buford Balony says: Here’s another reason to doubt Green’s words. I’ve always maintained that his public persona is artificial, and the more nonsense he spouts, the clearer it becomes for everyone to see through it.


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