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Dogs are smarter than cats

For the DOG owners, this will validate what you’ve always believed. For the cat owners, prepare to sharpen your claws, as researchers from Oxford University assert that canines possess greater intelligence than felines.

According to the researchers, the difference lies in dogs being more social creatures, which leads to them having larger brains compared to the more solitary felines.

The findings of the study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, traced the evolutionary journey of various mammals’ brains over a span of 60 million years, discovering a correlation between an animal’s brain size in relation to its body and its social behavior.

Dr. Susanne Shultz, who was at the helm of the research, stated, “Dogs have long been seen as the more sociable species, whereas cats prefer to engage in their solitary pursuits. However, it seems that social interaction benefits the brain, extending to other species, including humans…

“This research challenges the longstanding notion that all mammals have seen a consistent increase in brain size. Instead, groups of highly social species have experienced significantly faster growth compared to their more solitary counterparts.”

Additionally, there’s one more point to discuss: “All dogs exhibit strong problem-solving skills,” Dr. Shultz remarked, “which supports the traditional depiction of the clever fox, a relative in the same family.”

Buford Balony comments: No surprise there, Sherlock.


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