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Wino’s thought for the day

It’s uncertain whether this qualifies as a ‘thought for the day’ or if it will stimulate your mind for longer than thirty seconds. It might even lead you to take a drink…and if that’s the case, come have a shot or two with me.

Here we go…

The Bible served as comfort to an individual isolated in a lonely cell. That charming thin paper, combined with a bit of mattress stuffing, could create as enjoyable a smoke as I’ve ever experienced—assuming you could find a match.

It’s a curious revelation, and I recommend trying it if you haven’t already. I’m not suggesting you get yourself locked up in prison, but if you’re short on rolling papers and craving a smoke…the pages of the Bible work remarkably well. They tend to cling together, making it feel as though you’re inhaling nonsense with every puff you take.

Well…is there really any other purpose for a damn Bible these days…is there?


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