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Time travel IS possible

According to physicists at the University of Queensland in Australia, they have made a claim regarding time teleportation, and flux capacitors are not involved.

Just as teleportation in space is permitted by quantum physics, they assert that the same principle applies to time travel—specifically, to the future!

Before you start imagining traveling in a Mr. Fusion-powered DeLorean to the 24-and-a-half century, it is important to note that their findings indicate entangled quantum particles can move into the future without existing in the interim between now and the future.

Previously, we understood that quantum teleportation could occur in space. Two identical particles located far apart are linked so that modifying the state of one results in an identical change to the other, regardless of the distance between them—miles or light-years. This phenomenon challenges our comprehension of reality, and their new discovery adds further complexity.

Scientists Jay Olson and Timothy Ralph from the University of Queensland propose that quantum entanglement is a core aspect of the universe, functioning in both space and time. Thus, altering a particle’s state today simultaneously alters the same particle in the future, even if it doesn’t physically exist during that time span. Here’s how it operates:

(…) envisage an experiment as described by Ralph and Olson where a qubit is dispatched into the future. The concept is that a detector interacts with a qubit, generating a classical message that describes how to detect this particle. Later, at some point in the future, a different detector positioned in the same location receives this message and performs the necessary measurement, thus reconstructing the qubit.

However, there’s a catch. Olson and Ralph demonstrate that the qubit’s detection in the future must occur in a time-symmetric manner with its past creation. “If the past detector was engaged at a quarter to 12:00, then the future detector must remain inactive until precisely a quarter past 12:00 to achieve entanglement,” they explain. They refer to this phenomenon as “teleportation in time.”

What makes this possible?

by David Livingstone


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