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St Peter is standing by the Pearly Gates…

Standing by the Pearly Gates is St Peter when Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart approaches.

Raising one hand, St Peter says, “Stop. I require proof of identity before granting entry.”

“Fair enough,” replies Mozart. “I am Wolfgang, and this is one of my melodies.”

He then whistles a few bars from ‘Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.’

“That suffices,” St Peter says. “You may enter.”

Shortly after, William Shakespeare arrives. St Peter raises his hand and declares, “Stop! I need proof of identity before allowing anyone entrance.”

“In truth,” Shakespeare responds, “I am the bard of Stratford. To be or not to be, that is the question!”

“Lovely,” St Peter replies. “In you go.”

After some time, David Beckham walks up.

“Stop! I require proof of identity before letting you in.”

“What do you mean by needing proof? I’m David Beckham. Everyone knows who I am.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” says St Peter. “Even Mozart and Shakespeare provided proof of identity.”

“Who?” David asks.

“In you go, Mr Beckham.”


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