Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful Queen with ample bosoms.
Nick the Dragon Slayer was infatuated with the Queen, and this fixation was the reason behind his obsession. He was aware that attempting to touch her would cost him his life, but he felt compelled to try.
One day, Nick confided his hidden yearning to Horatio the Physician, the King’s chief doctor. After considering this, Horatio responded that he could facilitate Nick’s desires, but it would require 1000 gold coins to do so.
Without hesitation, Nick consented to the plan.
The following day, Horatio concocted a batch of itching powder and discreetly sprinkled some into the Queen’s bra while she was bathing.
Shortly after she got dressed, the itchiness began and intensified.
When summoned to the Royal Chambers to address this unusual issue, Horatio informed the King and Queen that a unique saliva, if applied for a duration of four hours, would alleviate this type of itch, claiming that only Nick’s saliva was effective as the remedy.
The King, anxious to assist his wife, promptly called for Nick to come to their chambers. Horatio then discreetly provided Nick with the antidote for the itching powder. Nick, taking it into his mouth, spent the next four hours ardently attending to the Queen’s splendid and voluptuous bosoms.
Eventually, the Queen’s discomfort was alleviated, and Nick departed feeling fulfilled and celebrated as a hero.
Upon returning to his quarters, Nick encountered Horatio, who was insisting on the payment of 1000 gold coins. With his obsession now satisfied, Nick was unconcerned, recognizing that Horatio could never disclose this incident to the King. He laughed and told him to leave.
The next day, Horatio infused a substantial dose of the same itching powder into the King’s underwear, leading the King to urgently summon Nick.
The moral of the story – Always settle your debts!!!