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Facts about Australia that foreigners should know

Britain’s first attempt at establishing a penal colony was actually Australia. What remains overlooked is that the practice ceased once it was determined that shipping individuals to Ireland was far cheaper, alongside stealing their potatoes, until the Irish became so despondent that they emigrated to America and took on roles as corrupt law enforcement officers.

Originally, Australia served as a British penal colony meant for exiled thieves and murderers. It should not be mistaken for France, which was initially a British penal colony designated for the cowardly and bothersome.

In time, Australia left its dubious history behind and transformed into a modern, civilized nation; France, on the other hand, still struggles to make that transition.

The primary currency in Australia consists of large cans of beer, a fact that accounts for the remarkable size of Australian men’s arm muscles.

The central area of Australia resembles a dry, desolate wasteland with little of significance. You might think of it as the real-world equivalent of a soap opera.


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