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Anecdotal thoughts of Jim Aborwhear

On Friday, I visited my GP for the first time in 6 years.

I mentioned that I had previously experienced gout, but this time I believed it had affected my knees (the left one a few weeks ago, and now the right one was acting up).

GP – You can’t get gout in the knee.
JA – That’s not what your website mentions.
GP – My website? I don’t have a website!
JA – Yes, you do. It says that it typically occurs in the toe but can also affect other joints, including the elbow, fingers, and knee.

GP – Well, that’s rare (moving from impossible to rare in just a few words, how very unscientific).

JA – So are Tigers.
GP – What?
JA – Rare, yet they still exist.
GP – Oh, I get it, ha ha ha.
Following a brief examination, he delivered his diagnosis with the solemnity of a deity, thanks to his years of medical training and decades of experience.
GP – Mr. Aborwhear, your knee is crunchy.
Oh, just let me bleed and provide me with some magical wood to burn, you web-footed, bill-nosed, water fowl.
by Jim Aborwhear

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