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As greedy as a pig

An investigation is being conducted by US authorities into the fatal incident involving a farmer and his hogs.

According to the district attorney’s office, 70-year-old Terry Vance Garner disappeared while feeding his animals on his farm located near the Oregon coast.

A family member later discovered Garner’s dentures along with fragments of his body in the enclosure intended for the pigs, although the majority of his remains had been devoured.

In a statement released last week, the district attorney’s office indicated that it is possible Garner experienced a medical issue, like a heart attack, or was knocked down by the hogs prior to the fatality. Nonetheless, they have not dismissed the possibility of criminal involvement.

Authorities believe the hogs weigh around 320kg.

Furthermore, the DA’s office noted that one of the hogs had shown aggressive behavior or had bitten Garner in the past.


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