You can’t get away from the Royal Wedding, so there’s no point in getting grumpy

Well, even we have succombed to the Royal Wedding.

It’s everywhere and there’s no real way of getting away from it. A friend in London tells me that people are genuinely exited. Well they should be exited…I would be……not for the wedding of course, but because everyone in Britain has been given a day off.

I suppose I mustn’t grumble too much…I mean, they were considerate enough to get married on a Friday, so they don’t interfere with the AFL…what other reason would they’ve got married on a Friday for?

Someone must have had a word with William the last time he was over here…well, that’s what I reckon.

Look, I know it’s going to be boring as fuck, but just two more days of this over-hyped wedding and then it’ll be over.

I suppose it’s quite nice…two young people getting married…….Jesus Christ, have I got Royal Weddingitis as well?

But seriously, I will feel for Prince William on the day. It’ll be one of the happiest days in his life, and he’ll be thinking of his mum…wishing she were still alive to see him get married.

He probably give both his arms to make his mum be there on his wedding day.

Anyway, as I said earlier, there’ll only be a couple more days of it, and then it’ll be over. So here is Prince William and Catherine Middleton’s official portait.

If you can’t beat them, join them…I know you have a little look at the wedding…course you will…you can’t get away from it…or are you that hard that you CAN get away from it.

by Sel Hurst


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