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The Gingerbread Man is no more…thanks to the PC brigade

According to the old nursery rhyme, the Gingerbread Man fled from the old woman and her husband, the baker…or so it was once told.

However, political correctness has now affected the poor Gingerbread Man. After all, he was consumed in the tale, so why can’t the misguided PC brigade just leave him be?

Bureaucrats from the council have removed the gender from gingerbread men, renaming them gingerbread ‘persons’ on menus in 400 primary schools.

Parents in Lancashire, England, were taken aback upon discovering this alteration.

‘This is completely absurd,’ remarked one mother. ‘Clearly, someone has gone out of their way to implement this, and it borders on offensive.’

‘While I support anti-discrimination efforts, let’s not forget this is just a dessert. The gingerbread man is merely a character from a rhyme.’

Laura Midgley from the Campaign Against Political Correctness exclaimed, ‘This is pure political correctness gone too far; no one wants to refer to them as gingerbread people. They are what they are.’

‘This isn’t an innocent oversight. Whoever initiated this change needs to reflect on their decision,’ she added.

‘If such actions go unchallenged, they will eventually become the standard practice.’

Guess what, Laura… it already IS the standard practice. I’m not sure what your campaign against political correctness entails, but it’s clearly ineffective. It is high time people refused to allow such absurd individuals to hold any influence.

The revision appeared on the new autumn-winter weekly menu issued by the Lancashire School Meals Service.

Mark Hendrick, a Member of Parliament from Preston, deemed the change as ‘ridiculous.’

by John Jackson


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