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Testicle scan reveals face in pain

The numerous images of Jesus Christ discovered in root vegetables pale in comparison to this one, found on a man’s testicle.

A patient in a Canadian hospital voiced discomfort, prompting doctors to perform an ultrasound.

To their astonishment, an eerie face appeared on the screen before them.

Dr. Naji Touma, an assistant professor of urology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, remarked: “It was almost like art coming out of this patient’s testicles. It was an amusing finding.”

However, he has dismissed any implications of a divine message in the intimate scan, which resembles a man expressing pain.

He explained: “It’s purely coincidental. Although one might contemplate that it resembles the Virgin Mary on toast, that’s not applicable here.”

The patient, a 45-year-old paraplegic, ultimately had the testicle removed, with the growth being found benign.

This peculiar case was documented in a medical journal titled, The Face of Testicular Pain: A Surprising Ultrasound Finding.

The doctor also noted that the patient did not exhibit any interest in the unsettling discovery.

He stated: “I believe the patient was just grateful it wasn’t cancer, and once I informed him, he wasn’t particularly keen on the ultrasound’s details.”


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