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Spineless Betty is rescued…for a lonely mate-less life

Due to a mysterious skin condition that has rendered her entirely bald and devoid of spines, a rescued baby hedgehog is unable to attract a mate.

Betty was left behind by her family before being discovered by a member of the public who then brought her to the staff at an animal rescue centre.

Experts in animal care are puzzled by her unusual skin condition, which has left the solitary hedgehog with dry skin and without any spines.

At six weeks old, Betty has become so fearful of other hedgehogs that staff at the sanctuary doubt she will ever find a mate.

Nonetheless, she cannot be released back into the wild because her absence of spines compromises her ability to protect herself against potential predators like foxes and badgers.

Tonia and John Garner, aged 47 and 52, who operate Foxy Lodge rescue centre in Norfolk, England, have disclosed that Betty will lead a solitary existence unless her spines grow back.

Mum-of-one Tonia remarked, ‘She’s healthy and everything is perfectly fine aside from her lacking any spines.’

‘It’s quite unfortunate since she can’t defend herself. She tends to curl up into a small ball, but without spines, she’s vulnerable to any predator.’

‘We will not allow Betty to be alone with males. She is very anxious around other hedgehogs, and any offspring could inherit the same genetic issue.’

‘She is kept separately in an indoor enclosure, and I occasionally mix almond oil and tea tree oil to apply on her back since her skin can become very dry.’

‘Sun exposure is something we must avoid for her as she can easily get burned due to her sensitive skin. We just hope her spines will grow back, enabling her to have a typical life.’

Betty resides in her own enclosure at the Foxy Lodge rescue centre and has become too frightened to approach any other young females.

Additionally, her lack of protective spikes has required her to stay away from aggressive hedgehogs and males.

Many of the other hedgehogs have isolated Betty because of her unique skin condition, leading her to confront a life of solitude.

Her skin is too delicate to be exposed to the sweltering sun, and her rough hide is moisturized daily to prevent it from becoming too dry.

After consuming a diet of finely chopped chicken and cat food, the resilient hedgehog has gained weight to a healthy 650g and has started to regain her strength.

Tonia suspects Betty might be the youngest among a family of spineless hedgehogs living in proximity.

by David Livingstone


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