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Smile for the camera

Being the world’s most famous grinning dog must be quite lonely; however, it seems that luck is on Smiley Riley’s side as we believe we have discovered a new best friend for him, who also possesses a remarkably bright smile.

The amusing photograph above has taken the internet by storm after being shared online by the dog’s owner.

Quickly circulated on Facebook and Twitter, the image features the beaming canine alongside its equally cheerful owner, drawing joy from users who noted how the dog seems to be smiling for the camera.

Regrettably, the identities of the photo’s subjects have vanished into the digital world, leaving their location a mystery.

Last year, Riley, a mix of bichon frise and poodle, shot to international fame when his owner, Maureen Ravelo, captured him celebrating his birthday.

Living in California, she often finds herself forgetting that her dog is, in fact, a dog due to his perpetually entertaining facial expressions.


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