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Sharia law taught at Islamic schools in the UK…pupils even taught how to chop a thieves hand off

Across Britain, pupils at Islamic schools are receiving instruction on how to amputate a criminal’s hand and are being educated about a supposed Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world.

Up to 5,000 students, aged 6 to 18, are learning about Sharia law punishments through ‘weekend-school’ textbooks that assert non-believers in Islam will face ‘hellfire’ after death.

One textbook aimed at 15-year-olds declares, “For thieves, their hands will be cut off for a first offence, and their foot for a second offence” according to Sharia law.

“The designated punishment for a thief involves cutting off the right hand at the wrist, which is then cauterised to prevent excessive bleeding.”

How considerate… what a religion that promotes peace…

Students are cautioned that the penalty for homosexual acts is death by either stoning or burning.

Furthermore, they are taught that the primary objective of Jews is to gain control over the world and its resources.

These schools operate under the ‘Saudi Students Clubs and Schools in the UK and Ireland’ organization.

A BBC investigation revealed that one London school is owned by the Saudi government.

Education Minister Michael Gove informed the BBC, “I do not wish to interfere with the decisions made by the Saudi government regarding its education system.”

“However, I am adamant that there must be no anti-Semitic material used in schools in England.”

Michael Gove has asserted his stance against anti-Semitic material in English schools. Yet, did you notice the absence of any mention about the education of children regarding hand amputations?

Are you worried about being labeled a racist, Michael?

If not, then why are you and all politicians (regardless of party affiliation, since they all cater to those who are not British) allowing a minority to potentially become a majority?

Let me explain why.

It’s the same reason that every politician in the civilized world shares on their agenda… a four-year plan. A plan filled with promises aimed at securing their position. If one looks beyond four years, it becomes evident that most politicians can only see as far as their own noses.

Of course, they will claim to have plans that extend beyond four years, as politicians are conditioned to respond to everything. Even when discussing fish and chips, they’ll deflect to talk about that new ring road to alleviate congestion or increased funding for schools. It’s simply in their nature to SPEAK without LISTENING.

Perhaps when someone steals, the appropriate punishment could be the amputation of their hands. Maybe implementing some Sharia law would deter thieves, leading to less crowded prisons and kinder communities. Just envision leaving your front door unlocked without the fear of theft—what a concept!

However, the reality is that the UK is gradually being transformed from the inside. Yet, it raises the question—might the British government actually desire the introduction of Sharia law? Why else would there be no opposition or even acknowledgment from the Education Minister?

While we are a civilized society, such measures are not a fitting way to treat human beings. But let me pose a question… if you have ever experienced theft in the past and the thief was apprehended… if given the choice, would you opt for their hands to be cut off?

I know what my choice would be.

But, as an Australian residing in Australia, I urge my fellow Australians to observe the situation unfolding in Britain. Look and learn. Our country is sufficient without resorting to extreme measures… at least not just yet. Julia, it’s time to pull your socks up and stop traveling overseas… I don’t care if it’s for important matters. We need your leadership here… regardless of public sentiment. Aim to look beyond the next four years, and perhaps we can prevent our beautiful nation from descending into chaos like Great Britain. The reality is, Britain ceased to be ‘Great’ many years ago.

It won’t be long before the St George’s Cross becomes the St George’s Crescent.

by John Jackson


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