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Sex in the woods sparks police call

A couple engaged in a woodland sex game inadvertently triggered a distress call to the police, as passers-by believed they were witnessing a crime.

Concerns from worried shoppers, who were at their local Morrisons grocery store, arose when they spotted a naked woman tied to a tree and subsequently dialed 999, fearing she was in danger.

In response, ten squad cars rushed to the scene in Wokingham, Berkshire; however, the couple had fled before officers arrived, realizing they had drawn a crowd.

A police spokesman commented, ‘Thames Valley Police received a call at 10.51am when a member of the public expressed concern for the welfare of a woman they observed in the woodland.’

‘Despite conducting a search of the woodland and nearby areas, the two individuals could not be located. At this point, there is no evidence that a crime has taken place, so no further police action will be taken.’


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