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Royal movie is tacky, but may end up being a classic

While there are already numerous cheesy Royal wedding memorabilia available for purchase, a made-for-TV film depicting the love story of William and Kate might surpass them all in poor taste.

According to critics, it’s so terrible that it’s actually enjoyable, potentially enticing the royal couple to grab some popcorn for their viewing pleasure.

Nevertheless, they might find themselves watching certain scenes through their fingers, as director Mark Rosman clearly did not prioritize accuracy.

For example, the well-known Dragon Boat rowing race is depicted with Kate steering the boat. However, in the film, she leaps into the river and swims to shore to reunite with William.

Additionally, London buses are incorrectly shown driving on the right side of the street. This likely results from the entire film being shot in Los Angeles, California, rather than in the Highlands or London. Imagine Buckingham Palace in 90210 style.

It also features an actor who had never heard of Prince Philip, was unaware of what a corgi is, and did not recognize Eton, the school attended by his character, Prince Harry. Twenty-four-year-old Justin Hanlon was also unable to name any other British monarch besides the Queen and had never heard of David Cameron.

As for the main actors, they don’t boast much experience on screen. Nico Evers-Swindell, a New Zealander who portrays Prince William, has made appearances in NCIS: Los Angeles, while Camilla Luddington’s sparse credits include her role as Tiffany in Days of Our Lives.

Ben Cross, the Chariots of Fire star, takes on the role of Prince Charles, and American Mary Elise Haydon portrays Kate’s sister, Pippa Middleton.

The performances have been characterized as wooden…or even worse.

Critics of the film have rendered a harsh judgment and certainly did not hold back. The Guardian described it as ‘So bad it’s awful, toe-curlingly, teeth-furringly, pillow-bitingly ghastly.’ Andrew Billen from The Times referred to it as ‘glorious kitsch’ that’s ‘too ridiculous to offend.’

American reviewers have also criticized it, labeling it one of the cheesiest films ever created.

The film, budgeted at $3 million, tells the story of the university romance between Prince William and Kate Middleton, who met and fell in love while studying art history at the University of St Andrews in Scotland in real life.

The film emphasizes the improbability of William ever marrying a commoner.

It depicts significant moments in the couple’s developing relationship, including the scene where Middleton catches William’s attention at a fashion show, donning a see-through dress. This leads to the future king’s alleged remark to friends: ‘Kate’s hot!’

When a friend cautions her about not standing a chance with William, Luddington delivers a sultry look to the camera and asserts, ‘He’s just a guy.’

The film is set to premiere in the US on April 18, will be available on DVD in Britain on April 25, and will be aired on British television in the week leading up to the wedding. This surely will take us to the sequel.

The real question remains: do we truly want or need it over here?

by Helena Bryanlith


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