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Raped by a wombat

A man from New Zealand, Arthur Cradock, age 48, was deemed guilty of wasting police resources after he claimed that a wombat had raped him, which he stated resulted in him speaking with an Australian accent.

Hailing from the South Island town of Motueka, Cradock contacted the police to report the alleged assault by the marsupial at his residence, asserting that he required immediate help.

Subsequently, Cradock called back to inform the police operator that he was fine.

“I will rescind the rape charge against the wombat since he’s backed off. Aside from now having an Australian accent, I’m doing pretty well, you know. I didn’t injure my backside at all.”

In the Nelson District Court, he entered a guilty plea for using a phone for a fraudulent purpose and was ordered to complete 75 hours of community service.


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