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Prince Willy is getting married…does one get a day off work?

It’s likely that you’ve already heard: Prince William is set to marry.

The fortunate bride is Kate Middleton… after all, who doesn’t admire a man in uniform?

The excitement is palpable. And why shouldn’t it be? Given the high rate of failed marriages, I’m eager to find out whether theirs will succeed or fall apart.

If things go south, the tabloids will have a field day, speculating if Wills ends up with a prostitute in Iceland or something along those lines. Of course, that’s just my overactive imagination at play.

I truly wish them happiness, but this will only resonate with me if we’re granted a public holiday. If that happens, I’ll cherish the memory of them. Otherwise, if there’s no day off, they’ll wed and everyone will continue working as per usual, resulting in just another ordinary day.

Seriously, how long can the excitement truly last? After all, the media will bombard us with updates, likely at least three times a week, leading up to their wedding in August 2011.

If the Royals aim for lasting attention and popularity, a public holiday is a must.

I really empathize with the poor Brits. They don’t even enjoy a public holiday for the Queen’s birthday nor for St. George’s Day, their patron saint.

Now I understand why the Brits seem perpetually gloomy…it’s not solely due to the rain and chill, but also because they lack the public holidays we get.

So, how about granting us a day off? Let’s provide the Brits their long-overdue public holidays, and I’ll wholeheartedly support the Royal Wedding—plus, I won’t feel upset about not receiving an invitation.

by John Jackson


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