THIS new British car outshines the competition – it’s powered by human POO.
Engineers in the UK have modified the Bio-Bug to operate on methane gas.
Only the excrement from 70 households, when flushed away, can propel it for 10,000 miles—equivalent to a year’s typical driving.
With a maximum speed of 114mph, its creators assert that it can accelerate like s*** off a shovel.
Reportedly, the two-litre VW Beetle convertible stands as the first gas-powered vehicle that maintains full performance levels.
According to Mohammed Saddiq of GENeco, a sustainable energy company based in Bristol that created the prototype, it will lead to a revolution in green motoring.
He claims it drives just like a regular car and will “blow away” electric vehicles.
Mohammed expressed: “We believed that the poo-powered vehicle should be the iconic VW Beetle Bug since bugs naturally decompose waste at sewage plants to initiate the treatment process that later generates energy.
“Currently, we utilize waste from toilets, but soon energy will also be produced by processing food waste. It may well be the most eco-friendly car available.”