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Man cyberdates his mum for 6 months

If you ever believed you had bad luck in love, consider the unfortunate situation of Daniel Anceneaux from Marseilles France. After weeks of online chatting with a seductive, adventurous woman, he set up a romantic meeting—only to find out that the woman he had pursued for the last six months was actually his own mother!

This troubling incident began when Daniel, an X-ray technician, started browsing the Internet searching for young ‘ladies’ to reignite his romantic interests.

Taking on the online persona of The Prince of Pleasure, he soon found himself flirting with an attractive online companion going by the name of Sweet Juliette, who unbeknownst to him was his mother, Nicole, living just six miles away. Neither had any idea about the other’s real identity.

As their talks grew increasingly suggestive, an eager Daniel requested a picture from Sweet Juliette. He received a snapshot of a partially clothed sex symbol that his mother had scanned from a men’s magazine. Not long after, they decided to meet up at a secluded beach nearby.

“I strolled onto that dim beach, anticipating a rendezvous with the girl of my dreams. Then I saw her, dressed in white shorts and a pink tank top, just as she’d described.

“But when I approached, she turned around—and we were both shocked to our core. I mean, I was at a loss for words. All I could think was, ‘Oh my God! It’s Mama!'”

However, even worse was about to unfold. A passing patrol officer spotted the two and issued them a citation for being at a restricted beach after sunset.

“Danny and I were so flustered that we spilled the entire story to the officer,” recalled Nicole, 52. “The policeman documented everything, and a local TV station picked up the report—next thing we knew, our faces and story were plastered all over the 6 o’clock news. People began pointing and laughing at us on the streets—and the laughter hasn’t subsided since.”

“I never imagined my son could be so adventurous,” Mrs. Anceneaux later commented. When asked to explain what ‘kinky’ means, she responded:

“Well, he once told me he wanted to dress as a nun and relieve himself in my handbag. Does that qualify?”

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