Lego nut builds toy city in his own home

Susanne Burrows must be the model wife – when her husband Gerry wanted to build a Lego installation taking up the length of a 50sq m (540sq ft) room of their house, she agreed rather than calling a divorce lawyer.

He then spent nine months using 250,000 bricks to build an 8.5m (27ft) long, 2.75m (9ft) high creation.

Named the Garrison of Moriah, it is inspired by his love of science fiction and mythology – particularly Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

But to say thank you to understanding Susanne, he also built life-sized statues of them on their wedding day.

Gerry’s childhood love of Lego was rekindled after he left college and found a box of his old bricks.

‘I started thinking how I now have the money and space to actually build the things I wanted to build without a little sister to rampage through my Lego creations,’ he said.

‘I learned to not jump or even flinch when stepping on a Lego piece in my bare feet.’

Once his wife agreed to allocate a special room at their home in Limerick, Pennsylvania, Gerry used online Lego marketplace BrickLink to buy the raw materials, worth £45,000 new.

His first major structure was a 1.7m (5ft 7in) blue monster holding a castle on its head – and the whole creation is set to grow further.


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