A swan, known as Hannibal Peckter, has allegedly killed at least 15 of his competitors that dared to intrude upon his pond in a quiet UK village.
Afterward, the swan brings his mate and cygnet to witness the remains of his victims.
Typically, his prey is enticed into a trap, where they are brutally assaulted and left incapacitated.
According to witnesses, he has utilized biting, wing-flapping, and foot-stomping methods to attack, even resorting to drowning.
Following his triumph, he swims back and forth across the pond, proudly fluttering his wings before inviting his partner and offspring to inspect the kill.
‘After the act, he parades around the pond with his wings raised, looking incredibly proud of his actions.
‘And if his victims manage to reach the bank injured, he just refuses to allow them back into the water.’
Researchers, suspecting that the behavior might be linked to elevated pollution levels, are planning to capture the swan for examination.