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Good reason to get the clap

Teenage boys and men everywhere have received answers to their prayers.

In passionate moments, when intimacy with your partner is at its peak, every second counts. All you desire is to have some fun with those assets, yet you find yourself tangled in a frustrating little clasp designed, it seems, by a woman.

Fortunately, thanks to the brilliant mind of engineer Randy Safran from San Francisco, this struggle is now a thing of the past with his innovative clap-off bra.

He explored various methods to assist in quickly unveiling the girls, experimenting with small motors and even explosives on the front of the bra—approaches that, unsurprisingly, did not prove effective. Thankfully, no puppies were harmed during the bra’s development.

After two years filled with unsuccessful trials, he finally nailed it, opting for electromagnets and circuit boards that can make even the largest bras fly off at the sound of a clap.

You can see the bra in action at While they aren’t available for purchase just yet, he shares a detailed guide on how to create your own.

This could very well be a groundbreaking invention…perhaps one of the defining inventions of the 21st century. However, if you find yourself unable to get a girl to take off her bra…if you can’t even manage to reach first base, then continuing may seem futile.

It might be better to just give up entirely.

by Harry Harper


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