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Fish foot spa could spread HIV and hepatitis C

Health experts have cautioned that fish foot spa pedicures might facilitate the transmission of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C.

According to the Health Protection Agency, individuals with diabetes, psoriasis, or a compromised immune system are at greater risk and should avoid participating in this beauty trend altogether.

While the likelihood of infection from this increasingly trendy treatment, where small fish remove dead skin from clients’ feet, is deemed ‘low’, it cannot be entirely disregarded.

Micro-organisms present in fish tank water contribute to the possibility of issues arising from bacteria being transferred by the garra rufa fish involved in the pedicure, from the water in the spa, or through unaltered water shared between clients.

If a client who is infected by a blood-borne virus such as HIV or hepatitis bleeds into the water, there could be a chance of transmitting these diseases.

While the risk is described as ‘extremely low’, it remains ‘not completely excluded’.

A spokesperson from the agency stated, ‘We have provided this guidance due to the increasing number of these spas.’
‘When proper hygiene measures are adhered to, the risk of infection remains very low.
‘Nonetheless, there is still a transmission risk for various infections—this includes viruses like HIV and hepatitis.’

The HPA has advised changing the spa water after each client.

Since conventional sterilization of the equipment could be detrimental to the fish, of which there are around 200 in each tank, this practice is not viable.

These pedicures, which gained popularity in Asia where the trend originated, have been prohibited in several U.S. states, including Florida, Texas, New Hampshire, and Washington, amid concerns about the potential spread of infections through open wounds.

The trend, intended to give clients smooth and appealing feet, has expanded to beauty salons globally.


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