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Doesn’t matter how old you are…ALL suicide bombers are cunts, who should not be forgiven

From his hospital bed, a 14-year-old boy involved in a suicide bombing that resulted in 40 deaths pleaded with Allah for forgiveness during a television interview.

Religion is incredibly messed up… it’s so overrated.

This little brat should not be seeking Allah’s forgiveness. Those deeply entrenched in religion have it all wrong. If forgiveness were truly attainable, he ought to be asking the families of the 40 individuals he killed. And no, I do not believe he merits forgiveness.

We should reinstate hanging for individuals like this. At the very least, let’s bring back the birch.

We ought to ban all religion. Let’s be honest, it only generates problems, from global issues to local community disputes. The Bible, the Koran, and all those other revered texts that are supposedly our guides in life—don’t people realize these were penned by human hands? For example, the Bible was composed around seventy years after the supposed crucifixion of Jesus.

The next time you have friends over, do play a game of Chinese Whispers. It tends to work best with about ten participants, but if you share a short phrase with the person next to you, I can guarantee that by the time it circles back, it will have changed dramatically.

This clearly illustrates my point. I’m not against the concept of a God or supreme being, but the reality is this… all gods were created by us humans.

Moreover, neither the Bible nor the Koran mentions dinosaurs. If God is indeed the creator, then dinosaurs would have been part of that creation, yet there’s no mention in the Bible. Naturally, they’re absent because we humans wrote those texts roughly 2,000 years ago. Though the Koran offers insights about childbirth and is quite informative, the Bible provides guidelines for living, such as loving your neighbor and not stealing, which I fully endorse.

It’s fine to have faith in God or Allah, if you must. But before you fall victim to the propaganda of certain religious sects, before you don that dynamite-laden belt, pause and consider the lives you are about to impact. Reflect on the hatred you are set to unleash. I refuse to believe there’s a lack of conscience… surely there’s a sliver of awareness about the actions these individuals are taking.

What’s even more troubling are the parents. Do they truly bring children into this world with the intention of raising them to be murderers?

“Hey Dad, I almost completed my Grade 2 in suicide bomber training…” “Great job, son… I’m so proud.”

“Proud that you’re growing up to take innocent lives in the name of some false idol.”

To conclude, to this little brat who aspired to be a martyr and a suicide bomber… no, Allah won’t forgive you, because he doesn’t exist… and even if he did, do you honestly believe he would want anything to do with you?

by Sel Hurst


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