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What is happening today?

Am I the only one who thinks that the world seems a bit odd lately?

Uprisings against oppressive governments are causing chaos in the Middle East. In Egypt, for instance, there have been attacks on Christian churches by Islamic groups.

Just a few days ago, however, Christians and Muslims united in protest against their government.

The economy is facing a severe recession.

Adding to this peculiar situation are cyclones, tornadoes, floods, bushfires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and drought. And don’t forget about the nuclear disasters.

Could it be that a higher power is signaling impending disaster to us?

What might be the purpose of such alerts?

Historically, the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were obliterated due to sodomy. Noah was instructed to construct an ark because humanity was overwhelmed by vice. Have we fallen into a state of disobedience to ancient laws?

The media supports same-sex marriages, as do politicians. A significant portion of the population appears to accept same-sex adoption. However, both Christianity and Islam oppose gay marriages.

Does this make me a homophobe for rejecting marriages and adoptions for gay couples?

I assure you, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a homophobe. What individuals do privately or within their communities is their concern. Nevertheless, when the media and politicians advocate for gay marriage and adoption, claiming that the majority of Australians are in favor… then it seems like doom could be approaching.

Having been incorrect five times, perhaps the Jehovah’s Witnesses might finally be right about Armageddon being near… no, that’s not it; they have a track record of being wrong.

I consciously chose not to mention the earthquake in New Zealand or the tsunami in Japan.

These events have garnered the empathy and support of everyone in Australia, and the views I’ve shared do not diminish our unwavering assistance for those affected by these natural catastrophes.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the amazing Australians who have offered help. Our capacity and professionalism in aid demonstrate our commitment to caring for our neighbors.

God bless you all.



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