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Tommy Taylors SRU (Sunday Round-Up)

With great interest, I observe the renaming of one of Britain’s oldest symbols. The famous Big Ben is set to be called, “The Elizabeth 2 Tower.”

It is worth noting that the iconic bell tower is not actually referred to as Big Ben; that title belongs to the bell itself.

We can anticipate that the grand bells of St. Paul’s, York Minster, Canterbury, and Winchester will undergo similar renaming to honor other notable women from the last century. St. Paul’s will become Princess Margaret, York will be named after Margaret Thatcher, Canterbury will honor Princess Anne, and Winchester will be known as The Duchess of Cambridge.

Moreover, other landmarks will likely receive new designations as well.

The White Cliffs of Dover may be renamed Prince Harry’s Cliffs, Westminster Abbey could become Prince William’s Abbey, and St. Paul’s might be called Prince Edward’s Church. Perhaps Prince Philip will have the Tower of London named after him… or Phil’s Tower.

At home, the mineral boom is starting to decelerate, but this isn’t due to the Carbon Tax; it’s because China’s coal demand has decreased!

Additional funding for schools will be provided to enhance our future generations’ opportunities to attend universities. If only we can afford such endeavors!

New light rail systems and airport expansions are anticipated to emerge seemingly out of nowhere. Are there any insights into the actual costs involved?

Have criminals received appropriate sentences for assaulting pensioners?

Is there sufficient capacity in the prisons?

When will the release of sexual predators be properly managed to offer the rest of us peace of mind regarding our children’s safety?

Is there anyone who genuinely cares about the outcome of the US election? Also, let’s hope Rudd doesn’t attempt a comeback as PM.

Thank goodness for the Olympics; otherwise, television would be incredibly dull. Speaking of TV, we should strive to keep the Channel 10 breakfast news airing in the mornings. I’m quite tired of SBS, ABC, and Channels 7 and 9.

I eagerly await the Melbourne Cup to inject some excitement back into our daily routines.

Lastly, regarding the so-called boat people: All individuals attempting to enter the country illegally are committing crimes. They should be gathered and directed to Sydney. In Sydney, we ought to construct large wooden ships with substantial sails, and then we could deport these criminals back to England. That would resolve the boat problem.

This wraps up my news summary for today, Sunday, the 16th of September, 1770 BC (Before Coffee).

by Tommy Taylor


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