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Tommy Taylor’s SRU

The Melbourne Cup meeting was truly spectacular.

The fashion, the remarkable horses, and the celebrities came out to partake in the excitement and perhaps win some money. Green Moon showed exceptional performance and secured an easy victory. I anticipate his return next year to clinch the title again. Any excuses for our pick?… it’s unreasonable to expect him to triumph when he had to start from the car park. While waiting for the race to begin, he received a parking ticket. But there’s always next year.

It was a pleasure to see the Royals at the Cup. They exuded grace and style, treating everyone with politeness.

This week, the news revolves around the US elections, but frankly, who cares who emerges victorious? It’s a contest between a Mormon and a politician known for stating the painfully obvious.

Yes, the Democrats prevailed, but ultimately, who really cares?

Across the pond in the UK, police are starting to draw unsettling parallels between the disappearance of April (the Welsh child) and that of the McCann baby. Both children are still missing, and it’s striking that they vanished in countries with limited police resources. However, since the UK police began their search, significant resources have been allocated to the hunt for April.

In the UK, there are also allegations regarding a child sex ring linked to Jimmy Saville and others. The BBC is currently reviewing past actions concerning Saville.

Syria continues to suffer, with the death toll on the rise. Why can’t the UN facilitate a peaceful resolution?

A murder trial has concluded with an acquittal. Will the prosecution authorities look into the reasons behind the charges and their subsequent failure?

More millions are being squandered rather than sensibly invested in hiring additional police officers.

Despite everything, the boats keep arriving… when will Julia Gillard acknowledge that her plans aren’t working? Perhaps after the carbon tax, she can extend her taxation to boats, ocean water, and pirates.

Thank you to everyone who responded to my request for casting suggestions for Grey.

The majority, over 90%, agreed with me, suggesting Nicole Kidman. She is tall, slim, elegant, with stunning eyes, and of course, an Oscar winner.

However, I was taken aback by your choice for the role of Christian.

With attributes like handsomeness, strength, a charming smile, and beautiful eyes… you picked Brad Pitt. That certainly is a surprise. Other names mentioned included Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, and Russell Crowe alongside Keira Knightley.

As for those who suggested Tony Abbott, I can only guess that you indulged a bit too much after our selection losses at the Cup.

To everyone who missed last week’s arm in Australia, Happy Diwali.

Soon, the cricket match between Australia and South Africa will commence. Behind the scenes, our reporter Rahndi Ghit is already picking up hints of sledging.

From the South African dressing room, they’re singing who Kissed Matilda and her granny too!

From the Australian dressing room, a tune about deck chairs up noses.

Congratulations are in order for Celtic on their victory over Barcelona. What a difference playing in Scotland makes to the outcome! Perhaps they could offer some advice to Manchester City on how to perform in Europe.

The Australian dollar has now strengthened so much that the USA is seeking parity with the Bali rupee.

Having addressed sports, news, and finance… now onto the entertainment segment.

A film that is a “must-see” has been recommended to me by our film expert Helena Br….. whatever her name is. She claims this film is exceptional and almost certain to be recognized at the Oscars. It contains elements of sadness, sex, nudity, and religion… it seems like a guaranteed hit. The film, titled The Sessions, showcases Helen Hunt’s incredible talent.

Please keep your comments coming, particularly regarding the casting for Shades.

I’m off now to confront Claude “Unlucky Legs” Dupris and take his bicycle clips away. If I had a Winchester, I’d smack him over the head with it… even if the horse was drawn in Outer Mongolia.

Keep smiling.

by Tommy Taylor



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