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Tommy Taylors SRU

Have I lost my mind?

Another multiple rape in India has followed a serious case on a bus in the country. Given the extensive publicity and outrage directed at those who commit such attacks on women in this impoverished nation, how could this happen again? Forget about trials and punishment…these offenders should be placed in an insane asylum without delay.

Rape in India is becoming rife and MUST be stoppedOver sixty complaints have now been lodged against Jimmy Saville, including an alleged sexual assault on an eleven-year-old boy, who was gravely ill in the hospital and died shortly after the incident. How could this monster have evaded detection while carrying out assaults for half a century?

A helicopter crash in London has triggered a terrorist alert, while the French, who haven’t won a war in ages, send troops to Mali and threaten Algeria…is the world spiraling out of control?

Is it possible for Kevin Rudd to reclaim leadership of the party? He is certainly elevating his visibility. Could the voters be deceived once more? …the unfortunate answer is yes…we are inherently optimistic yet suffer from terrible memories. God help us!

Centrelink has made a blunder with the pension cards. While it’s understandable that mistakes happen and they have apologized, the official explanation surrounding the high volume of calls and public inquiries in various local offices is questionable. Aren’t they there to handle such issues? They have a challenging job and do their best, but officials should keep quiet.

Les Misérables took center stage at the awards in the USA, where our very own Hugh Jackman won the top honor. However, it is quite a slog at nearly three hours long, not to mention the monotonous singing. If this film secures an Oscar, we should consider boycotting movies for a decade.

The Golden Globes offer a more low-key setting for celebrities, allowing them time for a drink and conversation…perhaps the political undertones within the studios are less pronounced…although they certainly show favoritism towards local stars.

Ben Affleck and films inspired by Iraq and Bin Laden will always be in the running for the Oscars, but realistically, the main contenders are Les Mis and Abraham Lincoln. However, it’s unfortunate we already know how these stories conclude before watching the films.

The judges would have to be blind not to acknowledge our Nicole Kidman, but her stunning dress could not be overlooked…she truly shone.

More awards ceremonies are on the horizon before the Oscars in February…let’s hope the hosts can add a touch of humor to these events. Perhaps Ricky Gervais will get a call back…we could use some good laughs along with jabs at pretentious thespians.

The biggest news of the week…TOG is back in the newsroom after his cruise…my sympathies go out to the other passengers.

Have a great weekend.

by Tommy Taylor


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