I’m puzzled by Hogan’s issue!
As a retiree, he ought to realize that we’re all here to assist the government in meeting its obligations. After paying taxes for over fifty years, does he truly believe that this government will permit the elderly to retain a few extra dollars in their later years? How will they fund health care, welfare, housing, accommodation, and the development of processing facilities for all the illegal boat people without our contributions?
His main issue is simply that he flew into Australia. If only he had arrived by boat.
Old-timers must be lamenting over their drinks now. We’ve become so accustomed to victories that a draw feels like a loss.
Did we cast our votes for a truly better government, for understandable policies? Sure, the redhead possesses as much charisma as…
…answers to be sent by postcard… and the budgie demonstrates the statesmanship of a… I doubt a postcard could yield a response; perhaps a stamp might suffice.
What’s next?
The Greens and Independents have pledged to save the whales, protect the environment, increase taxes, support same-sex marriages, and who knows what other bizarre and outlandish plans lie in our country’s future.
Ultimately, the blame lies with us for voting against rather than in favor of the candidates. Neither leader struck us as a capable leader. One, unmarried, childless, and an unbeliever, versus a fashion icon having a bad day, a poor speaker, and lacking coherent policies.
We must seek to have another election, hopefully with more competent candidates… Rolf Harris opposing Kylie would be entertaining.
Having a majority is far preferable to depending on a few leftist or rightist figures to steer the nation.
Let the contest begin anew, and may the best prevail.
by TOG