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Mobile phones…I’m over them

The world has significantly transformed over the last 40 to 50 years. With the introduction of the video recorder, which became accessible to everyone, society embarked on a rapidly accelerating journey.

In the past, families relied on a single car, and it didn’t matter where anyone was; daily life just unfolded as it should, plain and simple.

However, things aren’t so straightforward anymore. The mobile phone…it’s truly wonderful. Especially in today’s media-centric world. By media-centric, I mean that many individuals can now access it. And with the multitude of people using the internet, there’s an increasing motivation to generate more content.

It’s akin to television; despite the overwhelming number of cop shows, the demand persists…it indicates that audiences enjoy them, prompting the creation of more.

This brings me to pornography. A decade ago, I was told that porn constituted about 92% of the internet. In my view, this contributes to the rise of perverts. All those individuals who abuse children typically lack creativity. Sure, these disturbed individuals have always been around, but many previously found thrill in public indecency. While rapists don’t require the internet to perpetrate their crimes, the world does seem to be deteriorating.

Whenever a positive event occurs, restoring even a small shred of faith in humanity, it’s followed by a colossal blunder, typically made by an even greater calamity, and then the law introduces its own significant failures…everything feels broken. Lenient prison sentences and other absurdities perpetuated by the government—any government—could be amended if they had the courage. Yet, they must first look beyond a four-year term. If YOU could foresee beyond four years, it would imply you care…at least more than politicians like Julia Gillard and Tony Abbot, who make unfulfilled promises.

The world is certainly advancing, with doctors continually discovering cures for various ailments. Therefore, it seems reasonable to advocate for the reinstatement of the death penalty. Yes, it’s severe, but individuals like these don’t deserve to share air with me.

The internet has become a platform that fosters the fantasies of these individuals who should, by all rights, be castrated.

For my family’s safety, it’s crucial that if they ever find themselves in trouble, they can reach out to someone who can assist them, no matter who that may be.

Thus, the mobile phone undoubtedly stands as one of the most significant inventions in history.

So why do I sometimes wish I had never gotten one?

Sure, mobile phones are fantastic, yet, and I don’t know about you, the novelty has certainly faded.

Where have good manners gone?

When I’m conversing with a friend face-to-face in a social setting, why do they interrupt our discussion to take a phone call or respond to a text…what’s the point?

We have voicemail for a reason, so why not let that take the call, and afterward, check the message once we’re done talking? Just because the phone rings doesn’t mean you must answer it, especially when you’re talking to me!

I don’t want my neurotic bosses, suffering from Short Man Syndrome or a need to assert their power, reaching out to me at all hours! The task is either completed or it isn’t, and since I expect to be compensated…you know, to survive…the job usually gets done. If it doesn’t,Then I’ll give you a call, and guess what?…you needn’t respond because your phone is ringing! You can hear my voice message. In fact, there’s no requirement for you to converse with me at all.

I realize that they are convenient, similar to having a car…once you’ve owned one, it’s hard to recall how you managed without it…I feel the same way.

I wonder how many men reading this will receive a phone call this afternoon, or perhaps you’ve already answered a call from your wife or girlfriend about something trivial. I can envision numerous men wandering around, having received instructions from their partner on what they should complete before arriving home, followed by what they must do upon returning, etc., etc., etc.

The reason the workforce thrived years ago was that a man faced complaints only once he got home…not while he was at work. Consequently, work transformed into a place where a man could connect with the world and accomplish extraordinary things. Of course, there may have been disputes with the boss, yet even the bosses were likely comfortable at work back in those days.

So…what about the mobile phone…is it beneficial or detrimental?

Could you manage without one? Now that would make for an intriguing experiment.

by Sel Hurst


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