A neighbour’s nine-year-old girl was molested by a paedophile who has now been released from prison to live next door to her and her family.
The parents of the girl are rightly appalled after the State Government suggested that they consider building a taller fence or relocating from their home in Perth’s southern suburbs to escape the 66-year-old sex offender.
What has happened to the Justice system? I’m not sure who’s operating the State Government’s brain cells lately, but please, can someone return them!
The couple expressed their inability to afford a move and were horrified that the system permitted the man to return to the very area where he committed his crimes. His residence is alarmingly close to a primary school and adjacent to a playground in a park.
“I feel like he is the victim and we are the criminals,” remarked the girl’s mother.
The man, whose identity is withheld to protect the girl, served 6½ months in jail before receiving a 12-month conditional suspended sentence after pleading guilty to four counts of indecently dealing with a child under 13.
Isn’t it time to reopen Fremantle Prison? This so-called man should spend the remainder of his castrated life there.
In November of the previous year, the girl and her siblings were playing in the man’s backyard when he, intoxicated, indecently dealt with her. This behavior cannot be solely blamed on alcohol—most of us can responsibly enjoy a drink without acting in such a repugnant manner.
Attorney-General Christian Porter stated yesterday that the effectiveness of suspended sentences was under review as part of a broader evaluation of sentencing laws. However, he mentioned that courts had “other options” for placing conditions on offenders and he couldn’t explain why those weren’t applied in this man’s case. Christian Porter…do you have children?
While imposing the suspended jail term in June, Judge Bill Groves recognized the man’s clean record and deemed him an otherwise “diligent, hard-working family man.” Again, we question Bill Groves…do you have children?
Judge Groves acknowledged the seriousness of the offenses but believed the man posed a low risk of re-offending, particularly since he had already spent 6½ months in custody.
He indicated he couldn’t enforce conditions to limit alcohol consumption or ensure supervised contact with children. “That’s a matter which rests in your conscience, and no doubt your wife will assist you in adhering to that at least for some time to ensure that any risk of re-offending in this way in the future is avoided,” Judge Groves stated, while ordering the man to report to community services and undergo counseling and treatment as directed.
I understand that it would be an utterly wonderful world if rehabilitation could rectify every wrong. But let’s not forget, this is the paedophile’s 4th offense…not his first…but rather his 4th offense. Judge Groves, you owe it to the victims to “ensure that any risk of re-offending in this way in the future is avoided.” Instead, you seem to be putting these innocent, law-abiding citizens through hell, you thoughtless p***k.
That’s alright, Bill, if you provide your address, perhaps we could send you a few six-packs. No, wait, how about a whole carton of beer, and then maybe you could pass it along to the paedophile? Because, in truth, by allowing this sick f*** to remain free, you’ve effectively granted him a license to repeat his actions. You know, Bill, I believe you should be castrated too, as you are responsible for allowing this man to buy a beer, to reside near a park, to live next to a school, and most disturbingly, to live next door to his victim. Judge Groves, you are more disturbed than a paedophile.
It seems to be that it is possible to have a condition imposed that prevents him from contacting the girl…this situation just keeps getting worse.
“I want him to move, or I want the Government to move us; it is that simple,” stated the girl’s father.
Shadow attorney-general John Quigley expressed his distress over the case, deeming it completely unacceptable for the man to resume living next to the family, as it could inflict ongoing psychological harm on the girl.
Whether Labor or Liberal secures power next week, let’s hope that, in the name of sanity, these victims receive some justice.
by Sel Hurst