A man had an eel removed from his bladder after it made its way into his body via his penis.
Zhang Nan, 56, from Hubei province in China, was enjoying a spa bath filled with live eels that were feeding on his dead skin when one began moving up his urethra.
“I stepped into the bath and felt the eels nibbling on me,” he recounted. “But then, all of a sudden, I experienced a sharp pain and realized that a small eel had entered my penis.”
“I attempted to grasp it and pull it out, but the eel was too slippery to catch and it vanished up my penis.”
The surgeon who removed the eel from Zhang’s bladder commented: “The urethra in a man’s penis is slightly narrower. However, because eels are quite slippery, their bodies act like a lubricant, allowing them to enter smoothly.”
The procedure took three hours.
The eel, measuring 15cm, was discovered deceased.
by John Jackson