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Man gets driving ban riding motorised beer cool box

After being caught riding his motorised beer cooler post-drinks, an Australian man has been banned from driving.

The 23-year-old Chris Petrie bought the $630 vehicle, which comprises a beer cooler attached to a 50cc scooter, online.

True to the spirit of such an invention, he immediately filled the cooler with drinks upon its arrival.

Unfortunately, as Mr. Petrie put the scooter together, he indulged in a few too many beverages, leaving him a bit inebriated when it was time for a test ride.

“By the time we built it, it was quite late. So we thought we’d go for a bit of a test run,” Mr. Petrie remarked.

Nonetheless, the driver of the eccentric vehicle was pulled over by the police, who conducted a breath test that revealed Mr. Petrie was three times over the legal blood-alcohol limit.

While in court for sentencing, Mr. Petrie informed the judge that the cooler was “fully loaded” with cans of rum and cola.

Due to the drink-driving offense and the absence of a driver’s license, he received a ten-month driving ban along with a $500 fine.


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