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Man finds $2million cheque on train

A cheque for $2 million was discovered by a startled underground worker on a train in Spain.

Underground train

At a repair depot in Madrid, the employee noticed the Bank of America cheque in a wallet wedged between two doors.

It is believed that thieves stole the cash from the wallet but left the cheque, which is thought to belong to a 49-year-old man from California.

In addition to the cheque, worker Emilio Guerra also found a driving license and some credit cards inside the wallet, all of which he reported to his manager.

‘We were stunned,’ said depot shift manager Jose Manuel.

‘We counted the zeros several times because it felt unbelievable. It’s astounding that some people can possess such wealth while others have so little.’

The police received the wallet afterward and are currently working to locate the owner.

‘We have his name, and we are working on tracking down this individual,’ stated a police representative.

‘However, we won’t simply return it. We need to confirm that the source of the money is legitimate.’


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