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Make yourself smell nice…try some curry perfume

It has to be admitted that this is perhaps the most unfortunate idea since someone approached Schapelle Corby with the request, “Can you hold this bag for me while I nip off for a piss”.

A brand new line of curry-inspired perfumes has been introduced.

These five unisex scents combine coriander, cinnamon leaf, celery seed, sandalwood, and other components you would never imagine using for fragrance.

David Jenkins, the editor of the curry publication Chaat!, expresses that they are naan-tastic. He stated, “Everyone loves a good curry, so who wouldn’t want to smell like their favourite.”

Some of the fragrances include Tikka Masala, Korma, Madras, Rogan Josh, and Vindaloo.

After Chaat! solicited its readers to choose their favorite five Indian food aromas, the perfume company ‘Essentially Me’ developed the scents, which are set to be available for purchase in a few months; however, the prices have yet to be determined.

The Australians are likely to embrace it, considering it is their national dish.

At some stage, the St George Cross may very well evolve into the St George Crescent… Interestingly, St George was not even English; his origins are Turkish.

by Sel Hurst


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