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Don’t you love a bearded lady?

For years, Richard Lorenc imagined that his long-lost mother was Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane.

However, it turns out that his mother didn’t come from the Haight-Ashbury freak scene… she was, in fact, a different kind of freak entirely.

Richard managed to find his birth mother, discovering that she was a bearded lady.

Vivian Wheeler, born as a hermaphrodite with both male and female body parts, had the male anatomy surgically removed at birth, permitting her to live as a woman.

Yet, she also possesses a distinctly masculine facial structure and has been able to grow a beard since childhood, resulting in a life within the circus-freak circuit.

With an 11-inch-long beard, she has secured her place in the Guinness World Records.

While this revelation might be difficult for some to accept, Lorenc is just overjoyed to have reconnected with his mother—and he even observes a strong resemblance between them.

by Sasha Dubronitz


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