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Julia Gillard is STILL a robot…for now

During her visit to Brussels, Julia Gillard demonstrated considerable humility by poking fun at herself.

On the evening of the Asia-Europe meeting’s opening day, the Prime Minister cautioned the gathering prior to her speech.

With a laugh, she remarked, “Perhaps I should begin by mentioning that due to my strong Australian accent, even the English speakers present may wish to utilize the translation to ensure they comprehend my words.”

Indeed, Julia, I’m confident they would have ‘utilized the translation’ if ‘Robot’ or ‘Dalek’ had been available as options.

It’s truly delightful to witness you joke regarding our language, but…when…can…we…expect…a…complete…sentence…without…the…pausing…and…starting…

While I don’t mean to dwell on this issue, there were predictions that if robot-like Julia Gillard were to gain power, it wouldn’t be long before she morphed into a full-fledged Dalek. For starters, the resemblance of her nose to the plunger on a Dalek’s head is quite striking.

One day in Parliament, while discussing the environment and echoing the sentiments of the Greens, something might go awry, and she could suddenly start exclaiming, “EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE.”

At that moment, Tony Abbott had better take cover…or better yet, locate Dr. Who. Is he the only one capable of defeating Daleks? I’m uncertain.

However, putting the humor aside, it’s commendable that our Prime Minister is overseas addressing necessary matters and making appropriate statements. Because back home in Australia, everything seems just peachy.

You know how kids want to go outside to play but their room hasn’t been tidied? That’s right—once their rooms are in order, out they can go.

Yet, obviously, Julia Gillard doesn’t have children…so I doubt she can relate to that.

Before our cherished red-headed leader embarks on her travels, which are surely important, could you please address the numerous issues facing Australia?

I would think most of us couldn’t care less about your reasons for being in Europe…I’m quite certain of it.

Next time you check the TV guide to find out when Dr. Who will be on, and discover there’s no airing…just ponder who…might…be…responsible for it.

by Sel Hurst


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