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Is a phone more interesting than a lover?

Is your partner’s phone a source of jealousy for you?

For those fortunate enough to experience love, one might assume that their partner is the only one they wish to have close at night. However, it seems that a modern competitor has captured the hearts of many – the smartphone.

According to a recent poll, one in eight adults believe their partner dedicates more time to their phone than to conversation with them.

It appears that men exhibit a stronger attachment to their devices compared to women, keeping their smartphones nearby for an average of 17 hours daily.

Almost one in five individuals admit to sharing their bed with their phones.

On the other hand, women average about 15 hours a day with their phones, and 16 percent choose to have a smartphone beside them while they sleep.

Nevertheless, even when couples enjoy quality time together, the phone often takes precedence over their significant other.

On a typical evening out, individuals spend around 48 minutes engaged with their phones, sending an average of three emails, 12 texts, two images, along with three messages and two status updates on Twitter.

Over a third of respondents confessed to texting or emailing during face-to-face interactions, while 27 percent find themselves glancing at their devices to check for notifications during social activities, such as dining or watching a movie.

An astonishing 90 percent of adults acknowledge that they answer phone calls during social gatherings.



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