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Gary the fish eats too much chocolate

At the London aquarium, a giant gourami has been successfully weaned off a chocolate diet and transitioned to a healthier menu consisting of grapes and bananas, after the staff took in the creature that had been raised solely on Kit Kats.

Until the staff at the Sea Life London Aquarium discovered that the 4kg fish, known as Gary and measuring 40cm, had been fed chocolate, they were puzzled by his unwillingness to eat.

To encourage Gary to “take a break” from his daily chocolate fix, the team cleverly stuffed crushed Kit Kat pieces inside grapes.

“I’ve never come across a fish being fed chocolate, let alone one raised entirely on it,” remarked Gary’s caretaker, Rebecca Carter.

“Typically, gouramis consume a fruit-based diet, but Gary doesn’t seem to have experienced any negative consequences from his chocolate habit.

“Nonetheless, we would advise against feeding fish any kind of sweets.”

Gary is not the sole unusual animal to have come to the aquarium from private owners.

Living nearby is Ed, a catfish with distinctly cat-like behaviors.

Ed prefers to be fed by hand and enjoys being petted on the head simultaneously. According to staff, he has also learned to head-butt a feisty pufferfish who competes with him for food.

The peculiar eating habits of Gary and Ed bring attention to a more serious concern, according to aquarists.

One display has jokingly been dubbed the “tank busters” tank, as it contains various large fish that simply grew too big for their owners to care for.

“Many individuals fail to conduct proper research when acquiring fish, ultimately finding themselves unable to provide suitable care,” stated Ms. Carter.

“Catfish serve as a prime example, and we currently have several here that outgrew their habitats. Terrapins also fall into this category… they can live up to 40 years and can be quite expensive to maintain, so we urge prospective owners to consider carefully before purchasing.”

“We are thrilled to have found a new home for Gary, but the reality is that we lack the space to accommodate the overwhelming number of re-homing requests we receive.”

by Vandas Voice



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