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Gaddafi STILL urges civilians to fight on

Gaddafi and his regime are nearing their end. As night descended upon the nation, mosques in Tripoli transmitted public messages calling on civilians to resist.

With loudspeakers echoing the chants of Allahu Akbar (God is Great), they motivated locals to lift their weapons against Gaddafi’s rule. Following this call, rebel ‘sleeper cells’ sprang into action, engaging in firefights throughout the city. These cells had been covertly armed during the six-month civil war, biding their time for the right moment to attack.

The rebels engaged in combat in various isolated areas of the city, confronting snipers and other armed loyalists to Gaddafi. However, they could not prevail without significant outside assistance.At this point, the rest of the rebel strategy fell into motion.

Initially, around 200 fighters infiltrated Tripoli by sea, coming from further down the coast in Misrata. They linked up with rebel factions that had already clashed with pro-Gaddafi forces in the eastern Tajoura district of the city.

The crucial advancement, however, originated from the west.

Rebel fighters launched their offensive from Zawiya, quickly securing Jaddayim and Mayah. In a pivotal move, they captured the Khamis Brigade’s base…one of the most well-trained and well-equipped units within the Libyan military, led by one of Gaddafi’s sons.

Hundreds of rebel fighters took control of the base…located 25 kilometers from Tripoli…encountering only minimal resistance. They seized stockpiles of heavy weaponry and ammunition before advancing toward the city. Surprisingly, they faced no further opposition.

Gaddafi’s forces…under pressure from the west, south, and east…had essentially disintegrated, with the rebels welcomed as heroes as they drew closer to the city center.

Rebel leaders disclosed that the assault…a remarkable fusion of popular uprising and armed offensive…had been meticulously planned from the outset.

Adbel Hafiz Ghoga, a senior member of the rebel National Transitional Council, stated, ‘There is coordination with the rebels in Tripoli. This was a pre-determined strategy. They have been preparing for some time. There is alignment with the rebels advancing from the east, west, and south.’

Additionally, it appeared that politicians in key NATO countries abroad may have been somewhat aware of the impending developments.

It has always been understood that a true uprising in the capital would not occur until people were fairly certain they would receive some support from outside forces.

It has become abundantly clear that there are elements in Tripoli who have been waiting for their chance to voice their dissent against the regime.

by Mike Hansom


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