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Francis is the last pope – predicts Nostradamus

With unsettling precision, Nostradamus has already foreseen the destiny of the last pope. The initial signal will soon appear in our skies.

The current occupant of the Throne of St Peter is the 266th pope. Multiple prophets have indicated that he will be the last.

Pope Francis IOne such prophet, a Saint recognized by the Catholic Church, has chronicled the succession of popes leading to the world’s end. No additional popes follow after Pope Francis in that account.

Nostradamus envisioned a time when a significant comet would illuminate our skies, marking the conclusion of a pope and the Church itself. This year, Comet Ison, projected to be among the most luminous in centuries, is set to pass by.

These ancient predictions are stirring considerable speculation across internet forums and social media discussions.

Discussions involving Nostradamus always ignite imagination.

From the smoky confines of his 16th-century Renaissance French chamber, the prophet penned one of his characteristic four-line prophetic “quatrains”:

Quatrain II.46

“The great star for seven days shall burn

So nakedly clear like two suns appearing

The large dog all night howling

While the great Pontiff shall change his territory.”

Astronomers have reported that Comet Ison, approaching later this year, could potentially outshine the moon if it survives its encounter with the sun.

This has been seized as proof that Nostradamus’s predictions might soon materialize.

Additionally, Nostradamus’s work links another quatrain to the demise of the Catholic Church:

Quatrain VI.6:

There will appear towards the North

Not far from Cancer the bearded star:

Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria,

The great one of Rome will die, the night over.

Nostradamus has predicted a few things correctly, but he's mostly incorrectYet again, a significant comet is referenced in connection with a pivotal event involving “the great one of Rome,” a term Nostradamus frequently used to describe the Catholic Church.

Throughout history, Nostradamus’s prophecies have been interpreted in various ways, often relating to different events, including the tenure of Pope John Paul II.

However, Nostradamus is not the sole prophet to have envisioned the destiny of the final leader of the Catholic Church.

The writings of Saint Malachy, a 12th-century archbishop, indicate unequivocally that this pope will preside over the end times.

A Benedictine monk is said to have found a collection of the Saint’s documents in 1595, in which he allegedly recorded 112 brief yet ambiguous prophecies, each pertaining to an individual pope’s reign.

The concluding phrase applies to Pope Francis:

Verse 112:

“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.”

Such ambiguous language invites numerous interpretations and will likely continue to provoke speculation, even if a new pope is chosen.

Should Nostradamus and Saint Malachy ultimately be proven incorrect, one may look to predictions from figures like Sir Isaac Newton, who, using his biblical analyses, forecasts the world’s end in 2060.

by Vandas Voice


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